Helen Durant
Contemporary Artist
Making art is about following what excites me, finding the essence of what that is and sharing it with others so they can find delight in it too.

I am an Australian artist living in a small town nestled around the base of an extinct volcano
in south-west Victoria's "Lakes and Craters Country".
I find inspiration from shapes and lines I see or remember from landscapes I feel a deep connection to. I am also interested in abstracting the interior landscape, playing with everyday objects to create a quirky response to what I see in my home.
The ideas for all my paintings come initially from direct observation. I take many photographs but never work directly from them. Instead I use them as a memory bank, combining and translating them in an intuitive way, based on my feelings and responses.
I enjoy manipulating shapes to create new and unexpected interpretations, and enjoy using bold and contrasting colour.
Working in acrylics, each painting is the result of numerous layers, sometimes partially revealed through scratching back into the painting. I will often add mixed media elements to my work, including pencil, pastel, and occasional pieces of collage.
Painting makes me happy and I want others to feel this when they see my work.